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How can we support your business?

Understanding the Ideal Candidate:

A Crucial Part of the Hiring Process

When it comes to hiring, understanding what type of candidate your business is looking for is crucial to the success of the process. It's important for us to have a clear idea of the characteristics, qualifications, and experiences that the ideal candidate should possess. This will help to ensure that the right person is chosen for you, who not only has the necessary skills and experience but also fits in well with the company culture and values.

It's important to have a thorough discussion to get a clear understanding of what you are looking for and what the goals are. A chat over video or coffee is a great place to start. By doing so, we can ensure that the hiring process is efficient and effective, and ultimately leads to a successful hire.

Finding Your Ideal Candidate:

A Multi-Pronged Approach

Our success in discovering your organisation's perfect match requires a multi-faceted approach. We will navigate several avenues, including CRM, job boards such as Indeed, pre-established networks, and industry-specific social media groups. Each holds unique and valuable prospects, and we will introduce you to each fitting candidate.

Upon identifying a candidate, we will send you their CV and an overview of the screening call we had with them. This will enable you to review their credentials and understand why we believe they are a great fit for your business.

We will help you organise interviews, align diaries with the candidates and ensure that they are well-prepared and confirmed for each stage.

Communication is essential in the recruitment process, and we understand the importance of keeping you up-to-date. We will never ghost you or leave you in the dark.

By utilising multiple channels and fostering open communication, we can unlock the gateway to success.


Welcoming New Hires with Open Arms

After conducting interviews, extending a job offer, it's time to focus on the onboarding process.. Kizuna Recruitment recognises the importance of making new hires feel comfortable as they transition into their new role.

To begin, our team will provide assistance with necessary paperwork, including application forms and employment contracts, to make this process stress-free. Additionally, we will conduct thorough referencing to verify the candidate's work history and recommendations. This step is crucial to ensure that we are selecting the ideal candidate for the job.

Throughout the onboarding process, our team of experts will be available to answer any questions and provide guidance as needed. Our goal is to make sure that your new team members feel well-supported and empowered as they begin their journey with your company.



Elevate Your Interview Skills /

Elevate Your Interview Skills /

Let's gear up for victory by laying the groundwork!

To ensure a smooth interview process, it's crucial to be well-prepared. Choose a location that is quiet and free from distractions. A comfortable setting is key for both you and the candidate. Reserving a dedicated space for the interview will help prevent any surprises on the day of the interview.

The beginning of an interview is critical, as it sets the tone for the rest of the conversation. To ensure a positive start, establish eye contact and engage in some small talk to help the candidate feel at ease. You could also mention a few key details about your company and provide an overview of the position they've applied for. Be sure to explain the structure of the interview and encourage the candidate to ask any questions they may have. Once you've set the stage, you can proceed with the interview.

Crafting a Firm Foundation

Initiating Candidate Assessments

If you're looking to gain more insight into a candidate's background, use their CV as a starting point. Begin by asking open-ended questions and allowing them to guide the conversation as they share their experiences. Make sure to actively listen without interruption and take note of their responses. To ensure fair comparisons, ask similar questions to all candidates, but be willing to adapt based on their unique responses and seek clarification when necessary.

Creating a Memorable Interview Environment

When searching for the perfect candidate to join your team, it's important to remember that top talent is also looking for the best company and job to fit their needs. This means that during the interview process, it's essential to act professionally, while still allowing for a casual conversation. By leaving time for the candidate to ask questions, you can gauge their level of engagement with the interview.

To make your company more attractive to job candidates, consider inserting information that can impress them, such as unique perks or things that current employees enjoy. Highlighting these benefits can encourage the candidate to accept your job offer if they are the ideal fit for the position and your company. For instance, if your organization offers health insurance or an on-site gym, be sure to mention them as you proceed with the interview.

Ultimately, the goal is to make the job opportunity appear as attractive as possible to your best candidates and encourage them to want to work for you.

When interviewing candidates, it's crucial to focus solely on their professional qualifications and experiences, as well as work-related topics. Avoid delving into personal matters, except for the ones that are formally relevant. This approach helps protect both you and the company from any potential discrimination lawsuits. It's best to avoid general questions that touch on aspects such as gender, race, age, country of origin, marital status, religion and family status.

Grasp the unaskable

The Art of Note-Taking: Capturing Information

It can be difficult to remember all the responses you receive during interviews, especially when you meet multiple candidates. To ensure that you don't forget important details about their skills and qualifications, it's best to take notes. Properly structuring and organising your notes will make it easier to refer to them later on.

These notes will prove valuable when comparing multiple candidates and selecting the one that best suits your company. If you prefer to focus solely on the interview and not on writing, consider having someone else in the room take notes for you.

Ending the Interview and Following Up Later

At the end of the interview, it's important to summarise what you have discussed and clear up any misunderstandings. Confirm whether or not the candidate is still interested in the position and inquire about any potential roadblocks that could affect their ability to start. Additionally, explain the means of communication you'll be using after the interview and provide a timeline.

Following the interview, it is crucial to provide feedback, whether it's positive or negative. For instance, send rejection letters to unsuccessful candidates, highlighting the areas they excelled in and offering constructive criticism on where they need to improve. A rejection letter is a professional way of thanking the candidate for their time and effort while leaving them with a good impression of your company. This ensures that you can attract top talent in the future.

Elevate Your Interview Skills /

Elevate Your Interview Skills /